Sorry that its been a long time between posts. I really dont have a lot of time with working full time and looking after Erynn. By the time she is in bed at night and I have cleaned up from dinner I am stuffed and dont have anything left in me.
Anyhoo, Erynn recently had a Fairies day at daycare and my mum was fabulous enough to make her an outfit. I have the creative streak just not the paitience and staying power to actually complete it. My little fairy princess.......
The photos above were taken before Erynn had her haircut. The one below is Erynn and I at my lil sisters 21st birthday party on Friday night.
BJ was supposed to be home this coming weekend but as the Army does he is going to another place to work for an extra couple of weeks and wont return til the end of the month. A bit shitty about it all but not much that I can do about it but wait it out. Apparently he has done some shopping for me over there which is lovely but I plan on doing some damage myself to the credit card tomorow.
I have also resigned from my position at work. I have been in an admin assitant role since the start of the year and it really feels like a step back. I am an executive/personal assistant and thats what I want to do. The only way from me to find what I want is to move on from where I am. I have loved getting back there but ultimately its not what I want. Onward and upward.
Hope all is well and hugs to all.
Kim and Erynn