Tuesday, June 3, 2008

AHHHHHHHAAH Sleep Deprivation

I have certainly realised in the last few days why sleep deprivation is used as a method of torture. Erynn has been having a rough time the last few nights and I have been trying everything to make her more comfy. I had to take her for a drive at 12am this morning just to get her back to sleep. I hate it when its like this as I get all angry and frustrated and I dont want her seeing me like that. Must remember to pull out my dammit doll so that I can throw it against my bed when I get pissed off. I think that she may be getting a couple of new teeth but she wont let me see inside her mouth. My mum said that she thinks she saw her eye teeth trying to break through on sunday so that may account for this lovely form of torture. I really do love my little sweetpea but i have never been good with existing on little sleep.

BJ has been keeping in touch with phone calls which is great. Erynn loves hopping on the phone and chatting to her daddy. No, she will not have a mobile phone before she is 15yo. We have a corldess phone that sits on the bedside table and she usually grabs that one and has a play with it.

Hope your all doing well

Kim and Erynn


Chris H said...

Sleep deprivation.. yep I can remember that! It's the pitts and you never do catch up with lost sleep. I hope Erynn is settling better now.

Anonymous said...

Well you can be that you're not the only one that has been up at ungodly hours. Our baby has a cold, is teething and has been totally miserable. She's been "sleeping" between DH and I (not that any of us are getting much sleep!)

Hope you get some decent sleep soon, hun. It's hard to catch up but try to get some rest!

Mel. said...

Hope you get some sleep soon.